Stochastic reaction diffusion equations driven by space time white noise




报告摘要:We consider stochastic reaction diffusion equations on the whole space driven by space time whit noise. In the first part of the talk, I will present results on the well-posedness of the stochastic reaction diffusion equations with super-linear coefficients. In the second part, quadratic transportation cost inequalities for the stochastic reaction diffusion equations will be discussed. New moments estimates of the stochastic convolution against the space time white noise play an important role.

专家简介:张土生,中国科学技术大学教授,国际知名的概率论专家,曾任英国曼彻斯特大学终身教授,入选两个重要人才计划。现担任《Stochastic Processes and Their Applications》,《Journal of Theoretical Probability》,《Applied Mathematics and Optimization》等国际著名刊物的编委。张土生教授的研究成果包括两本专著(由Spinger出版)和一百多篇发表在国际一流杂志的论文。他的主要研究贡献包括在以下几个方面:1.随机微分方程;2. 随机偏微分方程;3. 马氏唯一性;4. Dirichlet 型;5. 大偏差的研究。

