The Tukey Representation of Directed Sets of Topology and its Applications 




报告摘要:Directed sets are common in topology and in a variety of contexts. We show that every directed set can be represented, up to Tukey equivalence, by such a topological directed set. In the opposite direction we show that any totally bounded uniformity is Tukey equivalent to [κ]<ω, the collection of all finite subsets of κ, the cofinality of the uniformity - all other Tukey types are ‘rejected’. Some applications of these results will be discussed in the talk. This is a joint work with Paul Gartside.

专家简介:冯自勤分别于2006年和2010年在山东大学和匹兹堡大学获得博士学位; 在2010年后在迈阿密大学从事教学科研工作;之后,在欧盟玛丽·居里国际研究员计划的支持下在英国伯明翰大学进行为期14个月的访问研究。现就职于奥本大学。

