Analytic pseudo-rotations on spheres, disks and annuli
报告专家:Pierre Berger(法国, CNRS)
报告地点:Zoom 会议号: 836 6231 1718 密码: 411002
报告摘要:We introduce a way to perform the appproximation by conjugacy method of Anosov-Katok among surface analytic symplectomorphisms. This produces transitive analytic symplectomorphisms of the sphere, the disk and the cylinder with finite number of periodic points. This disproves a conjecture of Birkhoff (1941), and solves problems of Birkhoff (1927), Herman (1998), Fayad-Katok (2004) and Fayad-Krikorian (2018).
专家简介:Pierre Berger是法国CNRS研究员,主要研究方向为动力系统,解决了Birkhoff、 Arnold、Herman等提出的多个公开猜测,相关工作发表在Acta Math.、JAMS、Invent. Math. 等数学顶尖期刊。