Highly efficient and accurate algorithms for constrained PDEs
报告专家:程青特聘研究员 (同济大学)
报告摘要:In the talk, I will introduce a new approach to construct efficient and accurate structure-preserving schemes for a class of constrained PDEs. To be more specific, I will introduce how to construct positivity/bound-preserving, length-preserving, energy-dissipative schemes for a large class of PDEs. I will establish stability results under a general setting, and carry out an error analysis for second-order structure-preserving schemes. Finally, I will apply our approach to several typical PDEs which preserve structures described above. Some numerical results will be presented to validate our approach.
专家简介:程青博士,上海市高层次人才,2023年入职同济大学,2019年至2021年在美国伊利诺伊理 工大学任职访问助理教授,2021年至2022年12月在美国普渡大学任职访问助理教授,在SIAM J.Numer.Anal., SIAM J.Sci.Comput., Comput.Methods.Appl.Mech.Eng., J.Comput. Phys.等国际著名杂志发表论文,多篇论文入选ESI高被引文章。论文的引用者包括多位美国科学院院士,以及多位国际数学家大会报告人,SIAM fellow,AMS fellow。由于这些工作,程青博士多次受邀在SIAM年会,ICIAM,中国计算数学年会 等国际会议、研讨会做邀请报告。程青博士长期担任SIAM J.Math.Anal.; J.Comput.Phys.; Commun.Comput.Phys.; J.Sci.Comput.等杂志的审稿人。