Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Planning Your Visit to TMCSC

1.     Apply to visit TMCSC

Please click  Visitors Programs.png  for more details about visiting TMCSC. Once your application to visit TMCSC is approved, you will have to prepare the following documents and send them to our staff by email (sw_center_chenyy@163.com):

1.1    If you are a Chinese citizen, and

          1.1.1    have the Chinese Resident Identification Card (中国居民身份证)then

                        1)     copy of your Chinese Resident Identification Card;

          1.1.2    live in Hong Kong or Macao, then

                        1)     copy of your Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents (港澳居民来往内地通行证) and

                        2)     CV; 

          1.1.3    live in Taiwan, then

                        1)     copy of your Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents (台湾居民来往大陆通行证) and

                        2)     CV.

1.2    If you are a foreigner to China, and

          1.2.1    live in China, then

                        1)     copy of the first page of your passport,

                        2)     CV and

                        3)     copy of your health insurance card or document or any certificate proving you are staying/working in China for long-term;

           1.2.2     live outside of China, then

                        1)     copy of the first page of your passport,

                        2)     CV and

                        3)     copy of your health insurance card or document. Please note that you always need to purchase the insurance for your trip to China, and any travel agency in your country can offer such service.

2.     Apply for the visa

Some guests to TMCSC need to apply for the Chinese visa to enter China. We will provide the following documents to support your visa application:

2.1    invitation letter issued by Sichuan University and/or your local host from Sichuan University, and

2.2    confirmation letter of your hotel reservation.

In order to prepare these letters, we need the following documents from you (if you have sent it already, you don’t need to do it again):

2.3    copy of the first page of your passport,

2.4    CV and

2.5    copy of your health insurance card or document for your trip to China. Any travel agency in your country can offer such service.

For more details about the visa application, please visit the website: http://www.visaforchina.org

3.    Book your ticket

3.1    For air tickets, visit http://www.ctrip.com

3.2    For train tickets, visit http://www.12306.cn

3.3    You may contact our staff if you have any problem or difficulty to book a ticket.

4.     Reserve your hotel

4.1    Reserve through us:

Our staff are happy to help you to reserve your hotel upon your request. Usually there will be some discount if you do it through them.

4.2    Reserve by yourself:

           4.2.1    Directly contact the hotel by yourself (see Accommodations of our website for some of them);

           4.2.2    Reserve through websites such as http://www.ctrip.com

