Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Visitors Programs

TMCSC welcomes all mathematicians and students. Guests to TMCSC are divided into three categories:

1.)    participants of the thematic programs (including the minicourses and workshops),

2.)    proposer and organizer of a thematic program, and

3.)    visitors to TMCSC in a research group.

1.     If you want to attend the minicourses or workshops which appear on the website of TMCSC, please point your cursor to the navigation bar of our website, choose “Activities” and click “Registration”, and then fill the forms. You shall be contacted once any further information is available. Or, simply click:


2.     TMCSC welcomes mathematicians from all over the world to run thematic programs on various fields of mathematics, especially those of pure mathematics. If you want to propose and organize a thematic program at TMCSC, please choose “Proposals” of our navigation bar and then click “Apply”. Choose the appropriate category and then fill the forms. The Scientific Committee will decide at the second half of the year whether or not to support your proposal. Once it is approved, TMCSC will give full support to your proposal, and you will be contacted by TMCSC for more details. Or, simply click:


3.     TMCSC also supports small research groups in various mathematics fields (pure mathematics are more preferable). If you and your collaborators are now working on a research project and want to find a place to work together, then TMCSC is an ideal place for you. In general, you or at least one of your collaborators should be a Chinese mathematician. Whoever is Chinese, he is the host and all other members are guests; you and your collaborators form a research group. If you are interested in visiting TMCSC in a research group, please also choose “Proposals” of our navigation bar and then click “Apply”. Choose the appropriate category and then fill the forms. The Scientific Committee will decide as soon as possible whether or not to support your proposal. Once it is approved, TMCSC will give full support to your group members, and more details will be sent to you by email. Or, simply click:

