Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Graphical Proportional Hazards Measurement Error Models

报告题目:Graphical Proportional Hazards Measurement Error Models

报告专家:Professor Grace Y. Yi(University of Western Ontario)





In survival data analysis, the Cox proportional hazards (PH) model is perhaps the most widely used model to feature the dependence of survival times on covariates. While many inference methods have been developed under such a model or its variants, those models are not adequate for handling data with complex structured covariates. High-dimensional survival data often entail several features: (1) many covariates are inactive in explaining the survival information, (2) active covariates are associated in a network structure, and (3) some covariates are error-contaminated. To handle such kinds of survival data, we propose graphical PH measurement error models and develop inferential procedures for the parameters of interest. Our proposed models significantly enlarge the scope of the usual Cox PH model and have great flexibility in characterizing survival data. Theoretical results are established to justify the proposed methods. Numerical studies are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods.


Grace Y. Yi教授于2000年获得多伦多大学统计学博士学位,随后加入滑铁卢大学,2019年加入西安大略大学,目前是西安大略大学统计与精算科学系和计算机科学系教授、 加拿大一级数据科学研究主席(Tier I Canada Research Chair)。

易教授长期从事测量误差、因果推断、成像数据、缺失数据、高维数据、生存数据和纵向数据等的统计学理论发展研究。已先后在国际统计学top期刊《The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, SeriesB》、《Journal of the American Statistical Association》、《Biometrika》等以及著名统计期刊《Statistical Methods in Medical Research》、《Biometrics》等国际权威刊物上发表论文140余篇。她撰写了专著《Statistical Analysis with Measurement Error or Misclassification: Strategy, Method and Application》(2017,Springer)(具有测量误差或错误分类的统计学分析:策略、方法和应用),并与Aurore Delaigle和Paul Gustafson共同编辑了《Handbook of Measurement Error Models》(2021,Chapman&Hall/CRC)(测量误差模型手册)。

易教授是数理统计学会会士、美国统计协会会士和国际统计学会会士。2010年获得了加拿大统计学会数学研究中心和加拿大统计学会(CRM-SSC)奖,该奖表彰在获得博士学位后的前十五年在研究方面具有卓越成就的统计科学家;获得加拿大自然科学和工程研究委员会授予的大学教师奖(2004-2009);与Xianming Tan 和Runze Li合作的研究工作于2016年获得了The Canadian Journal of Statistics Award。

易教授以不同的身份服务于行业与社会。她现任加拿大统计学会会长,美国统计协会生存数据科学分会(Lifetime Data Science Section)当选主席。2016年,她曾担任加拿大统计学会生物统计学分会会长,也是泛华统计协会(ICSA)第一分会(加拿大分会,成立于2012年)的创始人。她目前是《The Electronic Journal of Statistics》的联合主编(2022-2024)和《The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science》统计方法学部分(Statistical Methodology Section)的编辑,于2016-2018年担任《The Canadian Journal of Statistics》主编。



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