Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Some Recent Developments in Legendrian Mean Curvature Flow

报告题目:Some Recent Developments in Legendrian Mean Curvature Flow

报告专家:Shu-Cheng Chang (Chongqing University of Technology, National Taiwan University)





      In the SYZ Conjecture, one can model singularities of the special Lagrangian tori fibration locally as special Lagrangian cones in a complex Euclidean 3-space. Such a cone can be characterized by its link of the 5-sphere which is a minimal Legendrian surface. On the other hand, it is constructed by Ekholm-Etnyre-Sullivan that there is an infinite family of Legendrian embedding tori that are not Legendrian isotopic even though they have the same contact invariants including the rotation number and Thurston-Bennequin invariant.

In this talk, we will address the recent results on the blow-up analysis and existence problems of minimal Legendrian surfaces in a Sasaki-Einstein 5-manifold via the Legendrian mean curvature flow which is initiated by K. Smoczyk.


       张树城,重庆理工大学数学科学研究中心特聘教授。1990年毕业于美国莱斯大学。1990--2007年担任台湾清华大学数学系副教授,教授。期间于2003--2007年担任国立清华大学数学系主任。2008--2022年担任国立台湾大学数学系教授。从2008年起担任台大数学科学中心几何分析顶尖研究计划主持人。投入顶尖研究及培育多位杰出博士生。从事微分几何及几何分析的研究工作,在JDG, Math. Ann., Crelle's, IMRN, CAG, Calc. Var. PDE, Trans. AMS, IUMJ, JGA, Math. Z.等杰出数学期刊上发表科学论文70余篇;并因在柯西黎曼几何与佐佐木几何的杰出研究,于2015年荣获台湾数学会学术奖殊荣。



