Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Wasserstein Asymptotics for Empirical Measures of Subordinate Dirichlet Diffusion Processes on Compact Riemannian Manifold

报告题目:Wasserstein Asymptotics for Empirical Measures of Subordinate Dirichlet Diffusion Processes on Compact Riemannian Manifold

报告专家:黎怀谦 副教授(天津大学)



报告摘要:Given a Markov process on a Polish space, under some natural assumptions (e.g., ergodicity and stationarity), we may establish various limit theorems for empirical measures associated with the process. It is interesting to study further the rate of convergence. In this talk, we will consider the empirical measure associated with the subordinate Dirichlet diffusion process on a connected compact Riemannian manifold with boundary. I will talk about the sharp rate of convergence and the precise limit on the conditional expectation of the quadratic Wasserstein (or Kantorovich) distance between the empirical measure and the unique quasi-ergodic distribution of the process. Crucial ideas will be interpreted.


