Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Distributed cooperative algorithms motivated by Energy Internet

报告题目:Distributed cooperative algorithms motivated by Energy Internet



报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:471-699-535会议密码:610065

报告摘要:We consider several distributed cooperative algorithms motivated by energy management, such as state estimation for smart grids and economic dispatch for Energy Internet. We analyze convergence of distributed parameter estimation algorithms with random observation matrices and communication graphs by a network of multiple nodes via information exchange. We establish the stochastic spatial-temporal persistence of excitation condition for mean square and almost sure convergence. We propose a distributed economic dispatch algorithm for the grid-connected microgrid, where each intelligent control unit iterates the estimated electricity price of the distribution system and the estimation for the average power mismatch of the whole microgrid by leader-following and average-consensus algorithms, respectively. The energy router iterates the incremental power exchanged with the distribution system. We prove that if the communication topology of the Energy Internet contains a spanning tree with the energy router as the root and there is a path from each intelligent control unit to the ER, then the estimated electricity price of the distribution system converges to its real value and the energy router achieves optimal asymptotically.

专家简介:李韬,上海市东方学者特聘教授,华东师范大学数学科学学院教授、智能数学系主任,上海国家应用数学中心随机控制与信息-物理-能源系统应用研究团队负责人。主要研究方向为随机系统与控制、分布式学习、控制与博弈。曾主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,曾获第7届亚洲控制会议最佳论文、第28届张嗣瀛优秀青年论文、中国自动化学会2017自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)、第17届IFAC青年作者奖荣誉提名(五篇之一)、2015《中国科学:信息科学》五年高引论文奖、上海市曙光学者、上海市青年科技启明星、新加坡千禧基金会学者、澳大利亚教育部奋进学者、中科院院长特别奖等。担任Systems and Control Letters、IFAC Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems、IEEE Control Systems Letters、SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences等期刊的责任编委。


