Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

An efficient algorithm for the $\ell_{p}$ norm based metric nearness problem

报告题目:An efficient algorithm for the $\ell_{p}$ norm based metric nearness problem



报告地点:腾讯会议:712-883-745 会议密码:610065

报告摘要:Given a dissimilarity matrix, the metric nearness problem is to   find the nearest matrix of distances that satisfy the triangle inequalities.   This problem has wide applications, such as sensor networks, image   processing, and so on. But it is of great challenge even to obtain a   moderately accurate solution due to the $O(n^{3})$ metric constraints and the   nonsmooth objective function which is usually a weighted $\ell_{p}$ norm   based distance. In this paper, we propose a delayed constraint generation   method with each subproblem solved by the semismooth Newton based proximal   augmented Lagrangian method (PALM) for the metric nearness problem. Due to   the high memory requirement for the storage of the matrix related to the   metric constraints, we take advantage of the special structure of the matrix   and do not need to store the corresponding constraint matrix. A pleasing   aspect of our algorithm is that we can solve these problems involving up to   $10^{8}$ variables and $10^{13}$ constraints. Numerical experiments   demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm.

In theory, firstly, under a mild condition, we establish a primal-dual error bound condition which is very essential for the analysis of local convergence rate of PALM. Secondly, we prove the equivalence between the dual nondegeneracy condition and nonsingularity of the generalized Jacobian for the inner subproblem of PALM. Thirdly, when $q(\cdot)=\|\cdot\|_{1}$ or $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}$, without the strict complementarity condition, we also prove the equivalence between the the dual nondegeneracy condition and the uniqueness of the primal solution.

专家简介:王承竞,西南交通大学数学学院副教授,于浙江大学数学系取得计算数学博士学位,曾在新加坡国立大学参与博士后研究工作。他长期致力于大规模数值优化的理论、算法和软件研究,如协方差选取大规模半定规划问题、机器学习中的平方根lasso问题、支持向量机问题、遥感图像问题等的算法设计和软件实现。他在《SIAM Journal on Optimization》、《Journal of Machine Learning Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》等杂志发表了多篇文章。王承竞于2018年入选四川省学术和技术带头人后备人才,现为中国数学会计算数学分会理事。


