Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

On complete space-like stationary surfaces in 4-dimensional Minkowski space with graphical Gauss image

报告题目:On complete space-like stationary surfaces in 4-dimensional Minkowski space with graphical Gauss image.




报告摘要:Concerning the value distribution problem for generalized Gauss maps, we not only generalize  Fujimoto’s theorem to complete space-like stationary surfaces in R^(3,1), but also estimate the upper bound of the number of exceptional values when the Gauss image lies in the graph of a rational function f of degree m, which is determined by the number of solutions of f(w)=f(\overline w), showing a sharp contrast to Bernstein type results for minimal surfaces in R^4. Moreover, we introduce the conception of conjugate similarity on SL(2,C) to classify all degenerate stationary surfaces (i.e. m ≤1), and establish several structure theorems for complete stationary graphs in R^(3,1) from the viewpoint of the degeneracy of Gauss maps.


