Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

On a coupled Kadomtsev--Petviashvili system associated with an elliptic curve

报告专家:傅蔚 副教授(华东师范大学)


报告地点:腾讯会议:490 338 300(无密码)


The coupled Kadomtsev--Petviashvili system associated with an elliptic curve, proposed by Date, Jimbo and Miwa [J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 52:766--771, 1983], is reinvestigated within the direct linearisation framework, which provides us with more insights into the integrability of this elliptic model from the perspective of a general linear integral equation. As a result, we successfully construct for the elliptic coupled Kadomtsev--Petviashvili system not only a Lax pair composed of differential operators in $2\times2$ matrix form but also multi-soliton solutions with phases parametrised by points on the elliptic curve. Dimensional reductions based on the direct linearisation, to the elliptic coupled Korteweg-de Vries and Boussinesq systems, are also discussed. In addition, a novel class of solutions are obtained for the $D_\infty$-type Kadomtsev--Petviashvili equation with nonzero constant background as a byproduct.


傅蔚,华东师范大学数学科学学院教师,本科与硕士毕业于上海大学数学系,2018年获利兹大学应用数学专业哲学博士学位。研究方向为可积系统,近年来主要从事可积微分与差分方程直接线性化理论的研究,相关结果发表在数学物理期刊《J. Math. Phys.》、《J. Phys. A》、《Nonlinearity》、《Proc. R. Soc. A》、《Stud. Appl. Math.》。主持完成上海市浦江人才计划项目,现主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。

