Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Model-free Subsampling Method Based on Uniform Designs


时间:2022年8月3日  下午14:30

地点:腾讯会议:579-8970-5000  会议密码:202278


摘要:Subsampling or subdata selection is a useful approach in large-scale statistical learning. Most existing studies focus on model-based subsampling methods which significantly depend on the model assumption. In this paper, we consider the model-free subsampling strategy for generating subdata from the original full data. In order to measure the goodness of representation of a subdata with respect to the original data, we propose a criterion, generalized empirical F-discrepancy (GEFD), and study its theoretical properties in connection with the classical generalized L2-discrepancy in the theory of uniform designs. These properties allow us to develop a kind of low-GEFD data-driven subsampling method based on the existing uniform designs. By simulation examples and a real case study, we show that the proposed subsampling method enjoys the model-free property and is superior to the random sampling method. In practice, such a model-free property is more appealing than the model-based subsampling methods, where the latter may have poor performance when the model is misspecified, as demonstrated in our simulation studies.



  • Model-free Subsampling Method Based on Uniform Designs
  • 14:30 - 16:30, 2022-08-03 at 腾讯会议
  • 周永道
