Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

 Energy stable higher order ETD-MS method for gradient flows

报告专家:王晓明 教授 (南方科技大学)

报告时间:2022722日(周五) 上午1000-1100


  腾讯会议:844-533-117  密码0722

摘要: We present a methodology to construct efficient high-order in time accurate numerical schemes for a class of gradient flows with appropriate Lipschitz continuous nonlinearity. There are several ingredients to the strategy: the exponential time differencing (ETD), the multi-step (MS) methods, the idea of stabilization, and the technique of interpolation. They are synthesized to develop a generic $k^{th}$ order in time efficient linear numerical scheme with the help of an artificial regularization term. To validate our theoretical analysis, the thin film epitaxial growth without slope selection model is examined with a fourth-order ETD-MS discretization in time and Fourier pseudo-spectral in space discretization. Our numerical results on convergence and energy stability are in accordance with our theoretical results.








  • Energy stable higher order ETD-MS method for gradient flows
  • 10:00 - 11:00, 2022-07-22 at 腾讯会议
  • 王晓明








