Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

The Semismooth Newton Method for Sparse Signal Reconstruction Problems


报告人: 张海斌


时间:22616日(周四)晚上 730~830

线上腾讯会议号:207-468-447  密码:610064


摘要:An adaptive lp-l1−l2 model is considered where the lp-norm with p 1 measures the data fidelity and the l1−l2-term measures the sparsity. This proposed model has the ability to deal with different types of noises and extract the sparse property even under high coherent condition. A proximal majorization minimization technique is used to handle the nonconvex regularization term and then a semismooth Newton method to solve the corresponding convex relaxation subproblem. Some convergence results and numerical experiments are given to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model and the proposed algorithm.



