Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

L1-norm quantile regression screening rule via the dual circumscribed sphere




时间:22616日(周四)晚上 830~930

线上腾讯会议号:207-468-447  密码610064


摘要:L1-norm quantile regression is a common choice if there exists outlier or heavy-tailed error in high-dimensional data sets. However, it is computationally expensive to solve this problem when the feature size of data is ultra-high. As far as we know, existing screening rules cannot speed up the computation of the l1-norm quantile regression, which dues to the non-differentiability of the quantile function/pinball loss. In this paper, we introduce the dual circumscribed sphere technique and propose a novel l1-norm quantile regression screening rule. Our rule is expressed as the closed-form function of given data and eliminates inactive features with a low computational cost. Numerical experiments on some simulation and real data sets show that this screening rule can be used to eliminate almost all inactive features. Moreover, this rule can help to reduce up to 23 times of computational time, compared with the computation without our screening rule.



