Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

SUMMER SCHOOL in Mathematics and Mechanics by Moscow State University


SUMMER SCHOOL in mathematics and mechanics

3-10 July 2022 — Lomonosov MSU, online


Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University accepts applications for the Summer School in mathematics and mechanics (http://master.math.msu.ru/summer-school-2022). The School is an online educational intensive in two branches of mathematics and mechanics for bachelor’s students and graduates, who aim to continue their education in mathematics and mechanics. During the School, attendees will take lectures in the selected domain, participate in seminars on the main types of entry exam tasks, then mock master’s entry exam. They will also have the possibility to present a scientific report to the lecturers.

Lecturers at the school are scientists of Lomonosov Moscow State University and scientific advisors to master and postgraduate programs students. The School includes two educational tracks: “Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics” (http://master.math.msu.ru/summer-school-geometry) and “Algorithms of Integrated INS-GNSS Systems” (http://master.math.msu.ru/summer-school-navigation), directed by heads of master’s programs in corresponding fields. Both tracks are designed for 3-4 year students of bachelor programs – we expect attendees to have basic knowledge in mathematics and some acquaintance with theoretical mechanics (for navigation) and physics (for quantum fields), detailed requirements are listed on the School website. All the classes will be online, in English; the classes start at 9 am Moscow time.

The School will take place 3-10 July 2022; application for the School is available till 30 June 2022.

We kindly ask you to inform us about your intention to make a report in advance: in the application form (http://master.math.msu.ru/summer-school-2022#rec442950463), or by e-mail, during the further communication.

Organizing committee,

E-mail: master-summer-school@math.msu.ru

Telegram: @master_math_lmsu

