Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Solve Maxwell Interface Problems on Unfitted Meshes: VEM and IFEM

报告人:郭汝驰,UC Irvine




In this talk, we will discuss our recent work for solving Maxwell interface problems on Unfitted Meshes. Maxwell interface problems are very senstive to the conformity of the approximation spaces, which pose challenges on unfitted mesh finite element methods, as most of them resort to non-conforming spaces. In this talk, we will start from the H(curl) 2D virtual element method (VEM) and take its advantages of conformity on any polygonal shaped meshes. We will address its application to Maxwell equations on anisotropic meshes, which is applicable to background unfitted meshes cut by the interface. For the 3D case, we then present a immersed virtual element method by combining the conformity of VEM and robust approximation capabilities of immersed finite element methods (IFEM). We will address the space development, scheme and fast solvers.


郭汝驰,美国加州大学 Irvine分校助理教授,主要从事浸入有限元方面的研究,目前已发表论文十余篇,论文发表在SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis、SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing、Journal of Computational Physics期刊上

