Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

题目:Relations between Turaev skein bialgebra and Schedler quantization of the star-shaped quiver


时间:2022年3月17日  15:00



摘要:The Goldman bracket and Turaev cobracket are two important operations on the loops on the surface, they together form the Goldman-Turaev lie bialgebra. In the 1980s, Turaev introduced the notion of skein modules which is a bialgebra, and it quantize the goldman-turaev bialgebra. On the other side, T.Schedler introduced an interesting bialgebra which is a quantization of the necklace bialgebra.


I will review the relavent notions and dicuss the relation between these two quantization based on a work in progress with Anton Alekseev and Florian Naef.


