Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Chain recurrence for derived from Anosov diffeomorphisms of 3D tori

报告专家:Rafael Potrie(Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)

报告时间:2024年4月17日 下午17:30-18:30

报告地点:Zoom 会议号: 844 3861 8562 密码: 875751  


课程介绍:I will discuss joint work with S. Crovisier where we apply a recent idea from Avila-Crovisier-Wilkinson as well as previous work on the structure of attractors of DA diffeomorphisms to obtain that every partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism isotopic to Anosov in T3 is chain-recurrent.

专家简介:Rafael Potrie教授是动力系统领域的年轻一代的领军数学家。他主要研究动力系统与几何拓扑的交叉方向,特别是三维部分双曲系统的拓扑分类问题。他是ICM2018的邀请报告人,在Invent. Math.、Ann. ENS、JEMS、GAFA等顶尖期刊发表多篇论文。


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