Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Drinfeld type presentation for twisted Yangians 




报告摘要:Yangians, introduced by Drinfeld, are deformations of the current algebras. It is well-known that Yangians admit two presentations: the R-matrix presentation and the Drinfeld presentation. Twisted Yangians are certain coideal subalgebras of Yangians, and they are closely related to the theory of symmetric pairs. Twisted Yangians were originally introduced via a R-matrix presentation, and finding a Drinfeld type presentation for twisted Yangians has been an open problem for a long time.  In this talk, I will present our recent construction for the Drinfeld type presentation for twisted Yangians of type AI using the Gauss decomposition. We also show that the twisted Yangians can be viewed as a degenerate version of the affine i-quantum groups, which are coideal subalgebras of affine quantum groups arising from quantum symmetric pairs. This is joint with Kang Lu and Weiqiang Wang.

专家简介:张伟楠,香港大学博士后,导师何旭华教授。2023年博士毕业于弗吉尼亚大学,导师王伟强教授。研究领域为表示论和李理论,特别是在量子群和i-量子群方面,主要研究成果发表在Proc. London Math. Soc., Selecta Math., Representation Theory,Lett. Math. Phys.等上。


