Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China
Tianyuan Mathematical Centerin Southwest China

Model-free global likelihood subsampling for massive data




      报告摘要:Most existing studies for subsampling heavily depend on a specified model. If the assumed model is not correct, the performance of the subsample may be poor. Thistalkfocuses on a model-free subsampling method, called global likelihood subsampling, such that the subsample is robust to different model choices. It leverages the idea of the global likelihood sampler, which is an effective and robust sampling method from a given continuous distribution. Furthermore, we accelerate the algorithm for largescale datasets and extend it to deal with high-dimensional data with relatively low computational complexity. Simulations and real data studies are conducted to apply the proposed method to regression and classification problems. It illustrates that this method is robust against different modeling methods and has promising performance compared with some existing model-free subsampling methods for data compression.


